First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I am honestly excited because with a new year comes room for change, reflection and hopefully a whole bunch of new stuff to accomplish. Typically that STUFF includes personal goals, bigger achievements and commitments to ourselves and loved ones. No doubt that mixed into the bunch all of us have at least one health goal, I’m certainly not excluded from that yearly promise to myself. I tell anyone that asks that I’ll want to loose ten pounds each year for the rest of my life. Furthermore, this year upon rapidly approaching the end of my 20’s I’ve up’d the anti to 15 pounds.
For some, 15 seems a small number but for others a little too ambitious, but for me its just the challenge I need to jump start my year. I’ve asked myself many times why maintaining and toning aren’t enough for me? I realize I haven’t backtracked, and as the years pass my consistent workouts have intensified and I can feel (and see) myself getting stronger. The conclusion I’ve come to has something to do with that perfection I strive for (in everything in life) but is probably unattainable. I do acknowledge this, but the ride has proven to be most gratifying. Because of the intrigue of pushing my self a little further each month, I have no desire to wait until my clothes no longer fit to maximize my fitness goals.
That intro leads me to my current position. It’s about 7:30 in the evening and I’ve just completed my 2nd workout of the day. I can’t exactly describe how I feel, I’m tired but I still have the post workout “high”. My mind is racing and my limbs feel elastic but after a half hour of cool down the tired will set in deeply. At the generous urging of a coworker with a coupon I signed up for a trial membership at New York Sports Club. The “prestigious” club was less than I expected but certainly got the job done. Now I am left to decide whether this is a good fit for me. Not only working out after work, but at a sports club opposed to my neighborhood Ballys – which has got the job done for the past 7 years but lacks ambiance and motivation. I will say NYSC is extremely convenient, being across the street from work and from what I saw today is filled with healthy looking (skinny) Manhattenites. In another situation that might be irritating, but I’m almost certain I would rather see those opposed to the loud questionable constituents of my regular gym.
I think it would be worth my while to continue a double workout twice a week, which would increase my workout schedule to 6 instead of four and I would still come out with 2 completely gym-less days a week. This ought to jumpstart my new regiment nicely. I think an interval like this a few times a year might be turn results, but I’m not sure I could keep it up year round.
Either way, I am EXtRemely excited to see where this might take me. Accomplishing a goal like this early on and maintaining is the best sort of motivation for the rest of 2011.
I am urging you all to start today … in completion you will have started your year the best way imaginable.
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