Get Redesigned

Redesign by Roberta

I WANT TO TEACH YOU TO LIVE (through eating & planning)

200x200_1You’ve heard of closet makeovers but i’m selling kitchen makeovers – let me redesign your refrigerator and cleanse your kitchen! Let me help you put yourself in the best situation to live a healthy lifestyle. Kitchen cleansing involves diluting your kitchen and mind of all hurtful foods and habits. Out with the bad and in with food!

WHAT I DO – Design a custom foods list based on your needs, problem areas and weak spots. I provide you with a grocery shopping trip and a weeks worth of groceries as well as instructions on how to plan and prepare all daily meals and snacks. 

WHAT YOU DO – Keep your Kitchen Cleansed and follow my custom designed good foods list options.

WHAT YOU GET– BETTER HEALTH, mentally & physically as well as weight loss, motivation and inspiration.


For the past 10 years I have been able to design meal plans that work FOR me instead of against me. I have taught myself what and how to eat to feel at my best and also stay within a budget.


Many people I meet ask what I eat, how much and HOW I am able to keep 100+ pounds off for 10 + years. I want to help you understand the foods that go into your body and the things that harm it. My parents weren’t aware so I was untaught until I did the research and found a life long solution.

Let  me share with you a new way to live. The result will be life lasting and effect all those around you in a positive way. Being healthy is a choice, sharing it with others is and option and my gift.

Individual & Group rates available:  Inquire at



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