On 34. (turning)

by Monday, September 21, 2015

My life is amazing because I make it that way. IMG_8360

As another accomplished year quickly approaches, I think its important to marvel in the aspects of life that completely make up who I am. Adversity makes us all stronger and builds the character that compliments who we are. Whether stemming from growing up poor & “at risk”, coming from the projects or battling depression and being overcome by obesity – ALL of these things have created a path for success. Mentally & physically. Being able to successfully compete in the best place in the world for my industry is more than I could of imagined for myself. Keeping over 100+ lbs of for over 10 years is all but icing on the cake. The fact that i’m able to help & inspire others means more to me than any of the rest.

34 is going to be amazing, simply because it’s been a long time since i’ve been terrified & excited at the same time. The past year has been life changing, thought provoking and introspective. Whether welcomed or not I have learned valuable  lessons and traits that I will be able to thread throughout the rest of my years. Most thought provoking and insightful lesson? Be aware of your worth – not ignoring your needs – stop giving yourself away, in any way. Clearly I am aware of my contribution to life and personalities I choose to share my time with, but how much and for how long for the unworthy is the lesson. Some people or situations need your attention for a time, but it shouldn’t be to the detriment of your well being inside or out. Move along and give back to yourself what you’ve given away for too long.

I still have quite a bit of work to do, within, and outwardly I still have have a significant mark to make in the world. Again – I am excited. I am excited for the magic I will make happen, the amazing people I will meet and and the grand experiences I will be apart of in the upcoming years. My life is amazing because I make it that way. With each year that passes, I am more comfortable with myself and am eager to uncover more of the mysteries that make up my personality. I really love who I am creating and marvel at life choices I have successfully executed. Happy Birthday Roberta .. The best is yet to come.


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