My annual list for healthy holiday infamy!
Meal Prep
Bring your breakfast and lunch to work, prep healthy foods for dinner, so in between parties and events, you have no choice but to eat healthily. Need ideas? Check out my meal prep guide Simply Tabbtastic! (also great for easy gifting)
Be real
This is maybe the most useful bit of information I offer. The average American gains at least three pounds from Halloween to New Year’s. That said, how about focusing on maintaining as opposed to losing weight for the season?
Skip the office party
Well not really, but really! It’s nice to celebrate with colleagues and network with different teams, but keep moderation in mind. You can rack up lots of calories through (free) drinks and appetizers at your companies holiday party. I recommend setting a drink maximum for yourself and perhaps skipping the dessert table altogether.
Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water
Hunger is all in the mind. If you fill yourself up with water there won’t be much room for anything else. I start and end each day with a mason jar of my Infused Water, I try to double this during the season.*ALSO, If you plan on drinking – it’s a great idea to stay hydrated. Your head will thank you in the morning.
Eat low to high – calorie intake
Start with bigger portions of leafy salads or raw appetizers (veggie trays!) then move on to proteins and save sides for last. By the time you reach dessert perhaps you’ll just need a few bites instead of an entire plate. (Or just your favorite veggies and meats! )
Be selective
Focus on only your holiday favorites, foods that are only available around the holidays. Avoid bad foods that are available any time, the purpose of indulging is because the holidays are special occasions – not an excuse to overindulge in regular bad foods.
Drink Lightly
Around the holidays there’s always a seasonal beverage – whether it’s pumpkin spiced blah blah blah or bourbon eggnog. While festive, these drinks are loaded with sugars. I stick to spirits on the rocks or a few ounces of red wine. This works double time, you save on carbs and calories and easily avoid being the holiday party drunk!
Don’t come hungry
From fundraisers to office parties, don’t expect to get your fill. Chances are the food will be buffet-style and high in all our favorite sugars and butters. We will all overeat if we skip meals, so eat clean (fruits and vegetables) before.
Bring a healthy dish
If you’re invited to a dinner party or office gathering that constitutes some kind of offering to the fellow masses, bring something healthy. Healthy can also be quick. Pick up a festive fruit or vegetable tray or opt for creating your own along with fresh hummus for healthy dipping. Charcuterie boards are great for low-carb or keto options.
Dress to form
This may be my favorite tip of all time. Wearing form-fitting clothing, or things that fit perfectly, instead of loose-fitting clothing will keep you cautious of gluttony. No one wants to create a bulge in that sparkly holiday outfit.
Size always matters
In the case of a buffet situation grab the smallest plate. There are usually smaller plates for the appetizers and desserts; use those for your main meal as well.
Sharing is caring
Holidays are about friends and family. Why not share a plate of apps or split a dessert, easily creating tasting portions.
Plan your parties and events. If you have more than one or two in a day or week, be sure you supplement the extra with a little more cardio and limit eating and drinking accordingly.
Not only do you need to plan your party days, but you also need to prioritize your workout days. Pick at least 3 days per week to get an intense hour in. You probably won’t be losing any weight but you won’t be sliding backward either. (see next point)
Don’t loose your mind
Fit in your gym/workout schedule any and everywhere you can. Don’t abandon your regular routine – if you must, create a holiday plan that works around your festive schedule.
It’s OK to say no
In General, say no – to problem foods and second helpings, say no to events that infringe on your gym schedule or perhaps cause stress. Say no to people who expect too much from you without giving – especially over the busy holiday months.
Lastly, don’t panic
One day of overeating isn’t going to deter all your good eating habits, hydrating, and working out. Stay aware and enjoy.
What do you think?