The Coconut (Cocos Nucifera):Tree of Life

by Thursday, July 9, 2015

FullSizeRender_1Give the coconut a chance!

Here in the U.S. I think coconuts tend to get a bad reputation – based on being the most undesired chocolate in the box. My opinion is it’s not that that filled chocolate isn’t tasty – it’s just the least delicious of the bunch. The filled chocolate is misunderstood. Now that we’ve got that out of the way – I love a yellow battered coconut cake – again another delicious treat that is undervalued. Coconut has gained a bit of virtue in recent years do to the previously, seemingly undiscovered benefits of coconut water. Coconut water is highly refreshing and full of all sorts of things to help recuperate after a viscous attack of a workout. With more potassium than four bananas it facilitates digestion and contains five essential electrolytes that are in the human body (calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium).

Coconut meat itself also has a host of benefits to consider. It’s a great garnish and nice addition to any salad. Coconut meat is high in fiber as well as manganese, which helps to metabolize fat & protein. Make no mistake coconut meat is high in fat – but the good kind of fat which can increase good cholesterol levels. I think it’s important to explore and expel these childhood fallacies about certain foods – you may be missing out on some amazing benefit. I did this with beets for about 30 years … reluctantly now i’m a fan for more than 1 reason!

EASY to incorporate

When in season, I buy a single coconut – whack it a few times with a hammer and let the water drain out to drink later. I save half the meat for a quick snack at work and shave the rest, to toast or sprinkle on as a layer of flavor to whatever healthy savory dish I have prepared for the week.

Life is about GIVING – Give the coconut a chance!



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